I spent a day at Blofield Church, getting a very close look at the masonry of the huge tower at close range. From the extent of the cherry picker arm, waving gently in the cold breeze, I could see holes and cracks not visible from the ground, even with binoculars. It is amazing what a change of viewpoint reveals – from above, or straight on, the details of the decorative and eroded masonry were clear. The lovely flintwork on the faces of the buttresses is bulging outwards, where water and frost and time have done their damage.
The church has been given a grant by English Heritage for the investigations, and we hope repairs can start next year and fundraising is in progress. The EDP published a lovely article which you can see here.
Article written by: Ruth Brennan
Ruth Brennan has lived in Norfolk for most of her life, and has over 20 years experience of project management from start to finish. Click here to read more